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Quick guide to supplementing with BCAAs in sport

What are BCAAs? How can supplementing a diet with branched-chain amino acids be useful for an athlete? When should you take them? In this...

CRAMPS: causes, risks and how to treat them

Edited by: Dr. Luca Simoni. Nutritionist biologist and lecturer at the 'Sanis' School of Nutrition and Integration in Sport. Who hasn't experienced cramping at least once...
Consigli per il recupero post workout

Recovery: why not underestimate it? Our tips for post workout

During physical activity, especially if intense or long-lasting, the muscles utilize the glycogen reserves they have stored, resulting in a reduction of the same....
Cosa bere durante un'uscita in bici da corsa I Stay Trained!

What to drink on a road bike ride

What to drink on a road bike ride? Have you ever wondered? Especially when the physical effort is particularly intense or when it's very...

Protein intake in endurance sports

Courtesy of: Dr. Luca PollastriSpecialist in Sports MedicineMedical Doctor Team Bike ExchangePENTAVIS - Lecco The consumption of an adequate amount of protein has long been...